5 Ways to Use Flodesk Link Actions

Introduction to Flodesk Link Actions

Are you a small business owner looking for more unique ways to serve and sell to your audience? Email marketing is a powerful and effective strategy that I encourage all businesses to utilize. My all-time favorite email marketing platform for new and experienced business owners is Flodesk. This post covers their much-anticipated link actions feature.

Link actions creates a unique automation for anyone who clicks on a link in your email. It can either add or remove them to a segment or workflow, or it could create a custom field for them. There are lots of different ways to use Flodesk link actions, which we'll dive into in this post.

Why use Flodesk Link Actions?

Flodesk link actions is a new feature as of July 2024, and it gives business owners more control and automation power than ever before. Here are some reasons to infuse Flodesk link actions into your strategy.

Higher Conversions

If used with intention, Flodesk link actions boosts your conversions. It gives you more insight into what people are interested in learning more about. Using that data, you have the ability to tailor their experience with you directly to what they are looking for.

Improves User Experience

Flodesk link actions give subscribers a more positive experience with you. For starters, it's less work and less clicks for them.

Here's an example. You can have a sentence in your email telling people to “click here to receive your free guide”. Instead of sending them to a landing page where they'll need to fill out their information (again), that link could automatically add them to the free guide segment and open up the download immediately.

Flodesk link actions also improve user experience by providing them with a more tailored, custom experience with you. We'll cover some ways that's possible in the next section.

Collects Valuable Data

Interested in learning more about your subscribers? Link actions is the way to do that! You can use link actions to discover which topics your subscribers want to learn about and what their preferences are.

5 Ways to Use Flodesk Link Actions

1. Promote a digital product.

An easy way to start using Flodesk link actions is to promote and sell your digital products to people who are already interested in them. Here's how this would work. You can set up a custom workflow with an email sequence all tailored to selling your digital product.

Anytime you promote the product in your emails, you can add a link action to add them to the workflow with that email sequence. That way, you're selling your product to someone who already has expressed interest in it.

2. Segment list based on preferences.

Does your business serve a wide range of clients? Or perhaps, you serve both locally and virtually. Use link actions to segment your list based on a variety of preferences.

For example, you can set up a "click here if you're interested in ___ content" or choose your own adventure: X or Y with different links. From those links, you can add them to a segment so you know which type of content they prefer.

3. Sell your services.

Similar to how you can use Flodesk link actions to promote a digital product, you can also use them to sell your services. Create a custom workflow with an email sequence about your services and working with you. Answer FAQs, share client transformations, and links to book with you.

Whenever you promote your services or the application to work with you in your regular content, you can add those who click to your services workflow.

4. Encourage audience to download additional freebie(s).

As discussed earlier, using Flodesk link actions makes downloading additional freebies simple for subscribers. Since you already have their name and email, they likely don't want to fill out another opt-in form.

Instead, send them an email with a freebie linked in it. For those who clicked that link, add them to the workflow delivering that freebie. That way, it'll pop up immediately when they click it, and they'll also receive the freebie email in their inbox—all without filling out an additional opt-in form.

5. Create a VIP group.

Want to make your most loyal subscribers feel extra special? Create a VIP group! This segment of your email list is going to be your ride or dies. You can send them exclusive discounts, ask questions about what they're struggling with, offer them first dibs on new offers, and more.

The way you'd utilize this option is by adding a link in your email saying "Click here to join the VIP list!". That link could go to a thank you page on your website. Once added, you can set up a workflow welcoming them to the VIP list with what to expect and a special offer for them. Your Flodesk link action will add anyone who clicked on the link to that new workflow.


I hope this post got your wheels turning on different ways to use the Flodesk link actions feature. As with any new feature, it's bound to evolve over time. Now more than ever, subscribers are looking for a custom experience and value, and Flodesk link actions is how you can give them just that.

Sign Up for Flodesk

If you're new to Flodesk, you can try it out with a free 30-day trial and get 50% off your first year using this link. This is the email marketing platform I adore and highly recommend to all my clients. Want more information on Flodesk? This blog post has the full review.

Email Marketing Strategy Session

Wanting to dive deeper into your email marketing strategy? Book a 60-minute strategy session with me! During our time together, we'll cover how you can offer your audience an enticing freebie to grow your list and your custom strategy to building community and boosting sales through email marketing. Click here to book your session!


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