Launch Strategy: 6 Steps to Plan Content for a Successful Launch

What is launching?

Launching is a strategic plan for getting a product or service out into the world. It's a coordinated effort to promote the new product or service and get it in front of people who would benefit from it the most.

Your launch strategy will make or break your launch. If you want to have a successful launch, it's important to put a emphasis on the pre-launch phase, or the time before you actually launch your product or service. By following these 6 steps, you'll be able to plan content that contributes to a killer launch.

How to Plan Content for a Launch

Launch Step 1: Block off personal commitments on your calendar.

Put all your personal commitments on your calendar first. This includes out-of-office time, vacations, doctor’s appointments, etc. It’s important to start with your personal commitments, because then you won’t accidentally schedule a launch too close to them.

Why is this important? During a launch, you likely want to be able to show up and be present from start to finish. If you have you sister's wedding or a surgery in the middle of the launch, that's going to severely impact how you show up. By blocking off personal time first, you'll feel more balanced in your work and life and more confident during your launch.

Launch Step 2: Schedule big launch dates first.

Plan out which launches you’re having during the year, and give them a general date. Start with the month if you aren’t sure of the exact date you’ll be launching. Fill in the less flexible launch dates first, then add additional launches or promotions around those.

Be sure to spread these launches out. You want to be able to focus on one at a time and give it your full attention. Back-to-back launches won't only be stressful for you, but they'll also feel overwhelming for your audience.

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Launch Step 3: Work backwards.

Once you have your launch date, plan your promotional schedule backwards. Aim for 4-6 weeks of a pre-launch period, or the time before a launch to educate and serve your audience. This will ensure they’re ready for whatever it is you have to sell! (P.S. If you want to send captivating, storytelling-based emails that boost your sales, click here to grab my sales email templates!).

During this pre-launch phase, all of your content will have a specific theme related to what you’re launching. For example, if you’re launching an online course, everything will be tailored to the theme of the course. Hit on the pain points of someone who needs your course, start to educate on the solution your course offers, and use language from your ideal client.

Launch Step 4: Choose your platforms for promotion.

You have your big launch dates and your pre-launch themes, so now decide on where you’ll be promoting. For example, are you posting weekly blogs? Instagram posts? YouTube videos? Or perhaps you’ll put your energy towards pitching yourself to be a podcast guest.

As a rule of thumb, I recommend choosing at least one platform to be very consistent with in addition to your email list. If you can do more, great! If not, put all your effort into that one platform. If you aren't sure which platform is best for you, choose one where you know you can stay consistent and where your ideal client likes to hang out.

Launch Step 5: Fill in the gaps and plan for repurposing content.

After you complete steps #1-4, you may find that you have some gaps in your calendar. What do you post then?

First, repurpose content as much as possible if you haven’t already. Could you turn old Instagram posts into blog posts or vice versa? Take a look at which content has performed well for you in the past, and lean into those topics a bit more.

If you aren’t in a launch phase, continue to serve your audience consistently around your main content pillars. Educate, connect, and share stories. In fact, I believe storytelling is crucial always but especially during this time. Aim for content that is going to spark engagement and build trust with your audience.

Launch Step 6: Streamline this process on a content calendar.

Do you feel overwhelmed with planning content for your launch? Here's my biggest tip: visually plan it out on a content calendar! Click here to snag the content calendar template I use myself and with all my clients. This content calendar template will allow you to map out each individual piece of content on all your platforms, track their stages, and coordinate with clients and team members.

Additional Launch Support

If you still feel like you can use some additional launch strategy, I'd love to hop on a 60-minute strategy session with you. We can walk through this process together, get launch dates on the calendar, and map out your content and promotional strategy. Click here to book your call!


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