How to Write a Sales Email (That People Actually Want to Open)

Introduction to Sales Emails

How do you feel about writing sales emails? If the words "pushy", "icky", or if the image of a blinking cursor popped into your head, you're not alone. This post covers how to write a sales email that people actually WANT to open—all while serving and selling in an ethical manner.

Components of an Effective Sales Email

The way I promote writing effective sales emails is actually not super different from how I write value-packed, serving emails. Here are some components I recommend following so your sales emails are engaging, clear, and concise.


People love stories. Storytelling is a powerful tool because it connects people, engages them, and helps them remember your main points. Storytelling is a way to bring people in before you even promote your offer. Once they're drawn into your story, they'll have built trust with you and will be more open to receiving your sales pitch.

To get started with writing storytelling-based sales emails, click here to get your sales email templates bundle! This bundle comes with 10 templates that you can customize and send to your audience right away.

Consistent Brand Voice and Format

One of the biggest mistakes I see small business owners make with their sales emails is that they drastically shift their brand voice, email format, and messaging when they go to sell. This is likely out of fear or a lack of confidence in what they're selling. Or, it's due to the bro marketing sales tactics they may have learned in the past.

If your emails are typically only text, make your sales emails only text. If your brand is casual, don't try to throw in fancy jargon when you sell. Your sales emails should be very similar to your regular emails, except the call-to-action is to buy your offer.

Clear Call-to-action

Speaking of your call-to-action, make it very clear. Clear is better than clever when it comes to getting someone to take action, because they won't click your button or link unless they know exactly what to do.

In your sales emails, don't have a handful of different calls-to-action. Instead, have ONE clear call-to-action that you include throughout your email. That way, your subscriber won't get distracted, or worse, won't take action due to analysis paralysis.

Sales Email Examples

Here are two actual sales email examples I've used inside of my small business to demonstrate these components. Notice they both include a story, a brand voice that's consistent with my unique brand voice, and a clear call-to-action.

Example 1: Selling a Digital Product

Let me paint you a picture, @first name.

When I started my business, I was NOT organized. Organization and systems have actually never been my strong suit. I wasn't the gal in school with the color-coded notes, neatly arranged shelves, or up-to-date calendar. That was my sister (hi Kay!) 

Initially, my business to-dos were scattered on random sheets of paper I found. This worked for over a year…until things started to pick up.

Fast forward to now, I manage content for my own business as well as 5+ business a month. Scattered sheets of paper and sticky notes aren't going to cut it.

Instead, I curate a custom content calendar for my clients. This keeps track of every piece of content going up, as well as all the captions, photos, graphics, videos, etc.

I spent the past couple of years troubleshooting and figuring out how to design a simple, no-fluff content calendar template that works for ANY type of entrepreneur, whether you're a solopreneur or have a team.

And friend, she's finally here!!! 🥹

Meet the ClickUp Content Calendar Template: your new best friend and the secret to staying organized and on top of your content.

…created by someone who is not intuitively organized.

Some fun features:

✨ Tracks every piece of content through every stage, from planning to scheduled/published

✨ Makes reviewing and approving content with clients and team members seamless (and can be used by the CEO and SMM or VA)

✨ Stores your photo and video files and captions

✨ Everything is completely customizable for your biz—from your content pillars, to social platforms, and more!

✨ Setup and tutorial walkthrough video included

I cannot wait for you to get your hands on your template. You can shop it here, and please let me know if you have any questions!



TLDR: NEW Content Calendar Template is out and ready to help you manage your content like a boss (even if organization ain't typically your thing)! 💛

Example 2: Selling an Online Course as an Affiliate

Here's how I made $700 from one blog post, @first name.

Back in 2019, I had a lifestyle blog. I wrote about literally everything—including my sister's bachelorette party weekend.

The blog post was about a bachelorette weekend itinerary in Charlottesville, VA. At the time, I knew the bare minimum for SEO and implemented the few things that I learned.

Well, that post started ranking on the first page of Google for keywords like “Charlottesville bachelorette party” and “Charlottesville bachelorette itinerary”. Not only that, it was THE first result underneath big sites like The Knot,, and

Once I started seeing traffic go to this post every day, I realized I should monetize it. I signed up for the Airbnb Associates program (which doesn't exist anymore, RIP) and added an affiliate link to the house where we stayed.

By doing so, I earned close to $700 passively in a few months—from that post alone.

This was from implementing the most basic SEO strategies. Imagine what could have happened if I took and implemented a whole SEO course?

Inside RANK Method, you'll learn a step-by-step, approachable system to getting more eyes on your website.

I love this program because it's not just an online course. You'll also have direct access to SEO specialist Maggie on monthly group coaching calls.

And these calls are GOOD—I've literally pulled up my Google Analytics on the call before and asked her direct questions about it.

Also as one of the bonuses, you'll receive my content calendar template for free! This will make planning out blog content and repurposing it across social media super easy—something else you'll learn in the course.

Click here to join RANK Method and use code “KARLEY” for 20% off. I know you'll love this program! 🥰



How to Write a Sales Email

Now that you've seen some sales email examples, let's cover the steps on how to write a sales email. Before you even begin, you need an email marketing platform. I recommend Flodesk—click here to start your 30-day free trial and get 50% off your first year!

If you feel overwhelmed by these steps, there's something special to help you with your sales emails at the end of this post!

Step 1: Start with a hook.

What's the juice of your story? Make that the first sentence of your email to capture attention and hook people in. Notice in the above sales email examples, I didn't start with a greeting like "Hi friend". Instead, I started with a statement that would grab someone's attention. That is your hook.

Step 2: Tell a story.

Your hook should seamlessly lead into a story. Don't feel overwhelmed by the "story" concept. You may find stories within your Instagram captions or old journals. Keep a running list of go-to stories from your business and life, and reference them when you feel stuck.

This part feels natural to me now (maybe because I love to overshare), but it took lots of practice at first. A story could be a few sentences—it doesn't need to be long. Make it relatable and engaging for others to read, and you want it to guide people into your sales pitch.

Step 3: Segue into selling.

Where can you bridge the gap between your story and your sales pitch? That is your segue. It could be as easy as telling a story about when you procrastinated and missed out on an opportunity. Your segue is that you don't want your subscriber to miss our on the opportunity for XYZ transformation your offer provides. Then, you talk about your transformation and sell your offer.

Your segue is really only a sentence or two, but it should clearly explain why you told the story you did and how it relates to what you're selling.

Step 4: End with a clear call-to-action.

Your call-to-action for your sales emails 9 times out of 10 should ONLY lead to your offer. Add hyperlinks, buttons, and/or clickable graphics to sell your offer.

Make your calls-to-action very clear, like "JOIN XYZ PROGRAM" or "SIGN UP HERE". Clear is better than clever, so your subscribers know exactly what they need to do to take action.

Sales Email Templates

Does the thought of writing sales emails now feel less daunting? Are you excited to sell your offers, but you're looking for some help and guidance following this sales email framework?

I took the exact structure for how to write a sales email in this post and created 10 sales email templates for you to edit, personalize, and use in your own small business. These templates gives you prompts to tell your unique stories, segue ideas to lead into selling, and prompts for selling your offers.

Click here to snag the sales email templates bundle for only $17 and start using them today!


Why You Need a Marketing Content Calendar


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