Black Friday Email Campaigns: Strategies for a Successful Launch

Are you getting excited about mapping out your Black Friday launch for your business? A key component of a successful launch is having a strategy for your Black Friday email campagins. Let's dive into some launch tips and best strategies to make the busiest time of year a success for your business.

Introduction to Black Friday Launches

First, let's begin with an overview of Black Friday launches—what makes them different from a launch any time of year and some tips to consider while launching.

What makes a Black Friday launch different?

It's not news that Black Friday is a VERY busy time—in real life, online, and especially in your inbox. Many companies, including most brick and mortars and retail businesses, are running some sort of Black Friday promotion.

There's a lot of noise during Black Friday and the weeks before and after. In order to have a successful launch, you must determine how your business is going to stand out. These tips will support you!

Black Friday Launching Tips

Plan ahead: It's very unlikely that you'll have a successful Black Friday launch if you start planning for it the week before. It's beneficial for you to have all your emails and social media content ready to go so that you can be present during the launch to show up and answer questions. Your audience should also be excited about what's to come and ready to buy. Click here for a free week-by-week launch checklist to help you plan.

Stay consistent: Launching requires consistency, both before and during. Be consistent with your emails, engagement, and content. This naturally builds trust with your audience and keeps you top-of-mind.

Do your research: This goes without saying, but ensure that you're launching something your audience actually wants! This likely isn't the time to pivot and entirely change your business. Instead, you could come out with a new offer they've been begging you about or put an existing offer on an exciting sale.

Strategies for Black Friday Email Campaigns

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Feeling confident and excited about what you have to launch? The next step is coming out with some killer Black Friday email campaigns. Here are some of my favorite strategies for Black Friday email marketing that converts.

If you don’t want to start from scratch with all of your emails, you can click here to instantly download 10 sales email templates designed to engage your audience and boost your sales!

Prioritize the Pre-launch Phase

The pre-launch phase is the period of time leading up to the actual launch, or "doors open" period. Yes, if you're running a Black Friday sale, that's considered the "launch". The crucial pre-launch phase is about 4 weeks leading up to your launch, but I recommend my clients planning for their launch for 8-12 weeks out.

During this time, you have a few jobs. First, educate your audience on what they need to know or understand before your launch. If you're coming out with a new service, make sure they're familiar with the topic and the problem at hand.

Next, grow your email list! This is a great time to come out with new freebies or lead magnets to help grow your list. If you're looking for lead magnet ideas, check out this blog post.

Lastly, build the hype. The week or two leading up to your actual launch is when you should be getting your audience involved and excited about what's to come.

Do Your Research

As mentioned before, make sure you're launching something your audience actually needs and wants. My favorite ways to identify this is by sending out a survey, putting polls up on social media, and hopping on 15-min market research calls with my ideal clients.

Keep Your Messaging the Same

If you take one Black Friday email strategy from this post, let it be this one: don't change your messaging while you're selling. If you always use the same email format or template, don't change it. If your emails are usually super casual and include a funny gif, then keep it that way.

The second you change things up simply because you're selling, it will feel "off" to your audience. Use the same language, tell stories if that's what you usually do, just make the content relevant to what you have to sell.

Be Consistent, Not Spammy

During Black Friday, people's inboxes are CROWDED—so you do need to be consistent. You'll likely be sending more emails during this time, maybe even one a day, but you don't need to spam them. Sending 5 emails a day isn't necessary, and it will just annoy your subscribers.

Avoid Clickbait Subject Lines

This goes back to keeping your messaging the same, but avoid making your subject lines super clickbaity or salesy. I tend to shy away from things like "LAST CHANCE TO BUY" or "SAVE $60 TODAY" when my subject lines usually look like "are you cringing, too?" and "your old lead magnet can kick rocks".

Free Black Friday Launch Checklist

Are you ready to have a successful Black Friday Launch? Let me help you make it even easier by sharing my free Black Friday Launch checklist! This checklist breaks down week-by-week exactly what you should prioritize and do to set your launch up for success. Download your free copy below!


Black Friday email campaigns don't need to be complicated, salesy, or spammy in order to sell what you have to offer. Ensure you have a value-packed product or service and consistent messaging, and the rest will work itself out.

If you're looking for marketing support to help you strategize and support your Black Friday launch, the Launch Roadmap is for you! We’ll spend 10 weeks together planning, strategizing, and launching so you can have your most successful and least stressful launch yet.


Black Friday Marketing Strategy: How to Stand out among the Competition


How to Grow an Email List from Scratch